4 Hunter Control Valves
Nibco 1 inch
Isolation Valve

Items pictured above:

(Click on photo to enlarge)

  1. Hunter ASV-101 Anti-siphon
  2. Irritrol 311A-1 Anti-siphon
  3. Rain Bird ASVF Anti-siphon
  4. Brass gate valve
  5. Anti-siphon valve manifold -
  6. Anti-siphon valve manifold -
  7. Brass hose bib
  8. Brass pressure regulator
  9. Rain Bird filter / pressure
    regulator: PRF-075-RBY
  10. Brass gate valve
  11. Plastic drip filter and
    pressure regulator
    (2 parts assembled)

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9.XRain Bird filter / pressure regulator

This is the specified filter and pressure regulator assembly for all irrigation plans.
It satisfies two functions with one part. Clean the filter twice a year by un-
screwing the cover and removing the filter and washing it